Sauce reduces payroll; saves thousands in refunds for PokeBowl
Jonathan Hausner is the owner of Poke Bowl, a casual quick service 11-location poke chain in Manhattan. Started with one location on Fulton Street, Jonathan and his partner have since expanded to eleven locations across the city. They both loved poke bowls and wanted to start a restaurant making poke the way they liked them.

Manhattan, NY, NY
of dollars saved a month in refund reconciliation
Jonathan Hauser
Owner, Poke Bowl Chain
“[Sauce]... takes dealing with complaints and refunds out of our hands and lets us focus on what we do best, which is making good food.”
Fast growth calls for fast solutions
Such fast growth can quickly become overwhelming though. Particularly when it comes to growing your pickup and delivery operation. Jonathan explains that “as a fast growing chain, our bottom line is extremely important to us. Dealing with individual customer issues, refunds, complaints has always been time consuming and costly for us.”

Sauce Couriers to the Rescue
Partnering with Sauce helped put those issues to rest. Jonathan explains, “When it comes to delivery, working with Sauce benefits us in two ways: it takes dealing with complaints and refunds out of our hands and lets us focus on what we do best, which is making good food. Secondly, it gives us access to unlimited drivers.” In the past they had issues with orders sitting in the store for long periods of time. It was difficult to trust that their delivery orders would be picked up on time and without issue. However, he explains, “with Sauce, now it feels like we have access to an army of couriers and we’re not left holding the bags very long in the store. Everything is quick and efficient.”
Refund Reconciliation
One of the biggest successes of working with Sauce has been the efficiency of Sauce’s refund reconciliation. By having Sauce take care of refunds and customer service on the backend, Poke Bowl has saved thousands of dollars per month. “Before Sauce, we had an extra person in the office to help reconcile the refunds,” says Jonathan. They have now been able to eliminate that extra employee, saving money on payroll and trusting that their delivery operations are being handled effectively and efficiently.
Sauce has been a huge relief and support system for the team at Poke Bowl. “With Sauce, once the bag leaves the store, I now have a little peace of mind that they've got the rest of the transaction covered. They will get it to the customer’s hands, and I can move on to the next order.”